You are Invited!

  9:45am   Sunday School - All Ages
10:45am  Morning Worship
 5:00pm   Awana - Ages 3 - H.S.
 5:30pm   Discipleship Training
 6:30pm   Evening Worship
 7:00pm   Evening Worship

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Welcome to PhilippiWeb

This is the on-line presence for Philippi Baptist Church of Cleveland, Tennessee. Philippi is a medium sized, Southern Baptist Convention, Bradley Baptist Association church. We typically have about 250 for Sunday morning worship services.

We hold three worship services each week, plus Sunday school and Discipleship training. In addition to those services, we also have many mission activities such as CWT and Titus 2.

Who are we?

  • Joshua Stock

    Josh rightly delivers God's Word as he preaches and teaches. His approach is personable and relatable to folks of all ages.

  • Nathan Sneed

    Our full-time youth pastor leads engaging and inclusive ministries like Awana, VBS and youth choir. He sees to the spiritual and emotional needs of every child.

Youth are the present and future of Philippi Baptist

We have programs for children age 3 - 18. Our youth programs provide a Christian learning experience in a faith filled atmosphere. Classes are taught by caring, responsible members intent on spreading the Gospel of God's good news.

  • Awana - Register Here

    This special program is designed to teach children about God's love through the reading and memorization of His Holy Word. Our Awana program is FREE! Sundays during the school year!

  • Small Groups

    We have Wednesday classes for boys and girls ages 3 and up. We also have women's meeting groups and weekly prayer groups. We also provide financial support for local and national missions.

  • VBS - Register Here

    Philippi LOVES VBS! We go all out. Kids get good food, a quality craft, playtime, loving kindness and most importantly, they get taught about Jesus and how to become a Christian!

Musical Ministries

The Philippi Baptist Church choir is comprised of members and visitors alike. In fact, it is open to anyone who wants to make a joyful noise unto the Lord(Psalm 100:1). We generally number about 40 strong and a combination of newer and older songs led by our music director. Inspirational music is provided, in every service, by the familiar blend of piano with organ accompaniment. In most services, the music is made rich and compelling by including acoustic guitar, bass and drums. We also have a youth Choir for ages 6 - H.S., which performs on youth Sundays, holidays and special occasions.